We believe in providing students with the right amount of fundamental practices and exposing them early with complex problem solving that requires higher level of thinking. We have a proven systematic approach that focuses on building a strong number sense and reasoning skills. These skills have a powerful impact on student academic development.
We carefully prioritize curriculum continuity and enforcing mastery of concepts. We heavily emphasize our math study on problem solving and strong number sense. Students are exposed to challenging problem solving through out the sessions. Our advanced core curriculum is based on Singapore Math. We also combine our teaching with other materials from hands-on activities to solving interesting math problems found in past math competitions. We believe in teaching students problem solving strategies and develop their critical thinking early. Our class meetings consist of concept review, in-depth lesson and discussions, in-class practices, problem solving applications, and individual or group works. Our in-class practices promote mastery and a good amount of problem solving that forces students to apply concept learned. We meet once a week for 1 hour and 45 minutes to engage in fun activities that strengthen and reinforce concepts learned. We incorporate selective math games that benefit our students learning. There are required assignments in all of our classes. Students must be active and engaged to take full benefits of the class. Assignments are mandatory. Weekly assignment may take up to 1 hour to 1.5 hour per week. THE RIGHT CLASS Placement test is required before a session starts. We carefully match student to the right class so that the class is not too easy or too challenging for the student. We will place students with others with similar ability. We offer a FREE placement test. Please sign up here OR please email us at [email protected]. SMALL GROUP Our average class size is 10 students. Our maximum class size is 14 for the Ellipsis Math programs and 16 for the outreach and the workshop programs. The small group setting is a critical element to our approach. Research shows that group learning helps students learn more effectively. Students learn best by collaborating, sharing ideas, and motivating each other. We thrive to create an intellectually challenging but friendly and supportive learning environment. OUR MATH COACHES We have a rigorous and highly selective hiring and training process that screens for teaching and tutoring experiences, personality, interests, and math expertise. They possess a mix of college and graduate degrees, and each has a background in mathematics - either as a school teacher, a tutor, a math coach, a math volunteer, or a professional who uses math in their job. More importantly, they are passionate about children and math. They have done hours of volunteering with various school districts. Our assistant coaches are honors students who have experienced working with children. |
Our Curriculum Highlights: