Scoring and Awards
The maximum possible score for a student to earn is 219 points.
First round (Fall 2021):
Congratulations to all 2021 MCT top performers! All MCT Champions will receive both a medal and an MCT Champion backpack. All MCT top 10% scorers will receive a medal. Detail information on how and when you will get these prizes is included in your individual student's percentile result email.
First round (Fall 2021):
- All registered students can download a certificate of participation that is printable after they completed the test.
- Students who are in the top 10% in their grade level and division will earn medals.
- Student who scores the highest overall in their grade level and division will earn a special prize as well.
Congratulations to all 2021 MCT top performers! All MCT Champions will receive both a medal and an MCT Champion backpack. All MCT top 10% scorers will receive a medal. Detail information on how and when you will get these prizes is included in your individual student's percentile result email.
Masters round:
- All registered students will receive a certificate of participation.
- All students competing in grade level 2-5 will compete for the TOP 5 places.
- All students competing in grade level 6 will compete for the TOP 3 places
NOTE: MCT Masters round is by invitation only based on students' first round result. As most of you might know, the Math Challenge Tournament Masters round is typically being held in April. The Masters tournament is an in-person event and typically attended by 500 – 600 people. Our priority is the safety of everyone. Given the Omicron variant surging rapidly in Washington state, unfortunately this event will not be happening in 2022. We are hopeful that the Masters tournament will be back in Spring 2023.
Tie Breaker (for Masters round only)
If there is a tie between individuals, the student with the higher Problem-Solving score will receive the higher rank. If a tie remains after this comparison, the ties are broken based on the following, in this order:
- Number of problems answered correctly from the Problem-Solving Challenge questions 16-20, number of problems answered correctly from Problem-Solving Challenge questions 9-15, number of problems answered correctly from Problem Solving Challenge questions 1-8, highest numbered single problem answered correctly on the Problem Solving Challenge starting with question 20 and working backwards.
- Mental Math Challenge score, highest numbered single problem answered correctly on the Mental Math Challenge starting with question 40 working backwards.