Math Challenge Tournament® Online Practices
Important Information
Please go through the following important information before taking the practice test.
- The practice test needs to be completed in one sitting. Once students have started the practice test, they have 120 minutes to complete it.
- Once students have completed the practice, an email will be sent to you containing all test questions, students' answers and the correct answers.
- To successfully take this online practice test, the following system's requirement must be met:
- Students need to have a desktop, laptop or mobile device with a browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc).
- Configure your browser to enable Cookies and JavaScript. You can search on how to do this specifically for the browser you are planning to use.
- Good internet connection.
- Please ensure that your student (especially for the younger students - grade 1 and 2) is familiar with using their devices (i.e. computer, mouse/track pad and keyboard, etc.) for online navigation. They will need to select an answer, navigate from one question to another, etc.
- When paying for a Test, you will pay in a 'Pop Up' Window with your Credit card or PayPal account. After successfully paying for your Test, click the close button to close the 'Pop Up' payment window and then select 'Continue' to continue to your Test.
- If the Continue button does not take you to your Test, refresh your browser window and Click continue again.
- If you still cannot access your Test, go back to the Test start Link and select to Start the Test again with the same Email address and Password and you will then be able to take the Test without the Payment option because your Email address will be marked as Paid.
- Students will need to start the practice test immediately after payment has been made.
- Before taking your Test, make sure you are in an environment where you will not be disturbed.
- Answers are saved as student submit each one, not at the end of the Test. This means student will not lose any work. Student will see a countdown timer at the top of each page.
- If your student run out of Time, the Test will be finished automatically and any answers on the current page will also be submitted for you so you will not lose any work.
- Do not use the browser back button as this will not work. Use the “Previous” button which will be under the Questions.
- Stay connected to the Internet during your Test. Do not click away from the Test until you have submitted your answers and finished the Test.
- Troubleshooting:
- If your student's test page freezes, they can click the browser's refresh button and the test should load on the same question your student was on.
- If your student accidentally close the browser, they can reopen the same browser that they used before, click on the test link again, click on the resume tab, login and resume the test. Please note that the timer doesn’t stop.
- If your student suddenly lost internet connectivity, once it is back on, they can refresh the page and resume the test. Please note that the timer doesn’t stop.
- If for some reason, a student’s computer or browser crashed or closed unexpectedly, or your internet is down for a period of time. If things are back online within 20 minutes or so, your student should be able to open the same Web browser, click on the test link again and resume the test. Please note that the timer will continue and student will lose the time.