Math Challenge Tournament® (MCT)
Schools/centers' Registration
Starting the 2023 – 2024 school year, Math Challenge Tournament will be an in-person only competition, hosted by registered schools or education centers. For those of you who have previously hosted 2019 or earlier Math Challenge Tournament, the experience will be similar to that. We believe that this shift back to in-person competition will help us create an even more vibrant and engaging math experience for everyone involved.
In addition, to increase our continued support for schools and educational communities, we have also increased the give back program to 20%. Through the MCT give back program, eligible schools/centers will receive 20% of the tournament fee based on the number of students that participate in the tournament at the hosting schools/centers.
Please review additional information below on how to host/organize MCT at your schools/centers.
How to host and organize MCT for your school/center
In addition, to increase our continued support for schools and educational communities, we have also increased the give back program to 20%. Through the MCT give back program, eligible schools/centers will receive 20% of the tournament fee based on the number of students that participate in the tournament at the hosting schools/centers.
Please review additional information below on how to host/organize MCT at your schools/centers.
How to host and organize MCT for your school/center
- Register your school/center: any PTA/PTSA member/teacher/principal/center director, etc. can be an MCT organizer and register their school. This person would be the primary MCT organizer in charge of running and implementing MCT in the school/center. Before registering your school, organizers need to have the following:
- Determine date(s) & time(s) of the tournament. A hosting school/center may have multiple sessions to accommodate more students. For 2023 – 2024 Math Challenge Tournament, schools/centers can choose one or more date/time slots between April 10th and 20th, 2024 to host this competition.
- Reserve the space at school (classroom, library, common area, or gym) and determine the maximum number of students you will host for the tournament for each session.
- Determine if the tournament will be available exclusively for your students, or if you will accept students from neighboring schools to participate.
- Promote the tournament to students/parents: this tournament can be promoted through posters, flyers, PeachJar advertising, school’s newsletter, emails to teachers, emails to parents, social media posts, etc.
- Organizing the tournament and reviewing timelines and checklist to make sure the event is successful. This includes:
- Set detailed schedule of the tournament.
- Communicate the expectations to parents/students.
- Recruit and train volunteers for the tournament day.
- Review tournament packet received before the tournament day.
- Distribute awards: determine and implement awards distribution for your students who are placed in the top 20 nationally (i.e. award ceremony, principal morning announcement, etc.)
Important Timelines
- Now - Jan 15, 2024: school registration is open and organizers can register their school/center HERE.
- Jan 16 - Jan 22, 2024: schools/centers receive a registration link specific for their school/center that they can include in their tournament promotion venues.
- Jan 22 - March 15, 2024: students' registration is open.
- Jan 22 - March 15, 2024: organizers continue to promote the tournament .
- March 19, 2024: organizers receive an email with an excel spreadsheet of all students registered in their school/center location and a list of possible volunteers that organizers can reach out to.
- April 5 - 15, 2024: organizers receive tournament packet (tournament test questions, blank students' answer sheet, ribbon, and keepsakes for participants) about 3 - 5 days before tournament dates.
- April 10 - 20, 2024: tournaments are being held in various locations.
- April 22, 2024: organizers scan students answer sheets into a pdf and email it back to [email protected].
- April 23, 2024: organizers may distribute test questions and answer sheet to students (either parents will pick up or pick up in the front office, etc.).
- May 10, 2024: Results to be posted on our website at:
- May 13 - 17, 2024: Awards to be either shipped or dropped off to each school/center.
- May 20 - end of school: organizers may distribute the awards to students (award ceremony, school assembly, etc.)